Meals on Wheels is “more than just a meal.” Drivers provide social contact and friendly checks on the meal recipients. These special connections help to monitor clients’ well-being and brighten their day.
How Can You Help?
Meals on Wheels depends heavily upon the generous donation of time by hundreds of volunteers throughout our community. Try them out and see for yourself. It really doesn’t take much time and the payback is huge. How often do you get the chance to make a difference in the lives of over 200 individuals by giving as little as 60 minutes of your time each month? Meals on Wheels depends heavily upon the generous donation of time by hundreds of volunteers throughout our community.
A challenge for Lynn Garden Baptist Church: There is an immediate need of several cook teams. There is a 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday open as well as a 1st Wed and a 2nd Tuesday. Wouldn’t it be great to have at least two cook teams from our church, perhaps a men’s team, couples’ team or ladies’ team? Volunteer cooks play a vital role at MOW. Typically, volunteer cooks will work as 3 or 4-person teams responsible for 1 day per month. The cook teams plan their own menus and prepare their meals, we will train our cooks. Cook teams typically spend about 3 hours on their assigned day to prepare the 100-140 meals from that kitchen. The teams typically begin their work around 8 am. After the food is prepared and put into Styrofoam containers, the cook team cleans up and is generally finished by 11:30am.
Meal Delivery
LGBC is blessed with two delivery teams from our church: Tom Gilbert and Glen Rogers, Anissa Barrett and Sherry Stallard. Volunteer drivers is a continuous need. Each weekday over 200 meals is delivered from the two kitchen facilities. 14 delivery routes have been planned and maintained, with each route consisting of 15-20 meals. The routes are planned in such a way as to minimize the volunteer’s time required and minimize travel between stops. Generally, each route can be delivered in an hour. Most routes are delivered by teams of 2 people. One person drives and the other takes meals to the door of the recipient. Volunteers use their own vehicles to deliver the meals. Meals are picked up at the kitchen at 10:30 am and delivered by 12 noon. Many of the volunteer drivers are delivering meals during the lunch hour from work. Often times, employers in the area will allow employees to use their lunch break or some time away from their job to participate in this community service. If you are interested in helping but work during the day, check with your employer. Meal delivery is a great fit for the retired! When delivering meals, not only is the nutrition needed delivered, but a friendly face as well.